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For Support:
For Information:

WhatsApp Only
Phone: 0091-9494 900 900 INDIA
Phone: 0044-7494 751 752  UK

Chirala, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
London, England, United Kingdom.

Please fill the form below for any queries.

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We will get in touch with you shortly.

By completing this form, I understand that I am giving my consent to keep my contact details with Shrisha Foundation for the purposes of answering my queries and being informed of their activities.

Your data will be kept secure via password-protected online systems. We will never share your data with a third party without your consent.

Additional Support

If you wish to receive additional support, in the form of Yogic tools of transformation and relevant tips towards your wellbeing, please register below.

Shrisha WhatsApp Group

We have a WhatsApp broadcast group where you can get useful updates. You can also get information on upcoming Shrisha programs. If you'd like to be added to the group, please tap the link below.

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